Life is full of surprises. They can be good or bad sudden changes but are a part of who we are today, and can change one self’s honor and certainty in a flash. Grade 12 is full of choices, responsibility and stress. Yet we, the students, stay and push our limits to exceed our norm for a better future. It is this nameless “future” that is the unknown for the majority of fellow students, and its uncertainty puts us into overdrive to put some certainty in this busy world. The only thing that keeps a person moving on is his or her self honor. The next step in life is post secondary which is worrisome because you leave most things you know and enter a whole new world. This change is tough but, honor is one thing that always pulls a person through the rough times. Sure all you think is that “okay, I have rent to pay and I now I have to make the best of this ambiguous life”. However I think that the uncertainty is important to people to experience every once in awhile. Personally, I think the uncertain is the certainty of life as it cannot be always predicted. For all we know life could end tomorrow or in thousands of years. Honor is something that an individual must acquire on a personal level for it is not something a person can give to another. It is such a huge part of a person’s soul that there is no way to define it for a general group of people because it is different for every single person in this world. For this assignment we had to choose which reference (out of three) which we could relate most, and for me, it was the picture called 120 km/h by Jan Saudek. I don’t relate to it yet but hopefully I will in the future. The reason for this is because the young person is sitting on a crossing gate, seemingly to be perfectly balanced and with no desire to do anything but watch the train pass. It seems like the person is certain that he does know what he should do with his life because he is relaxed and at peace and so this person is acting upon his honor. Honor is respect, admiration, reputation, and pride that one has for his/her own self. If one loses their honor and certainty then they struggle to regain them. I would assume that a person would try to restore them by doing the right thing for themselves, whether it be apologizing to someone or even to make up for his or her own mistakes. I do not know much about honor or even certainty; but that is alright because I am still young and have not experienced much in this world to merely understand the full concept of restoring honor. As for certainty, well there is hardly any certainty amongst the population because life changes constantly, thus creating the wonderful world of uncertainty.
Mine honor is my life: both grown in one; Take honor from me, and my life is done.
–William Shakespeare
Thinkexist. (1999-2010). Honor Quotes. Retrieved January 13, 2011, from
This is the re-written personal response