Wednesday, December 22, 2010

To Be, or Not to be Hamlet Responce

To be, or not to be? Alive or dead?

To deal with ghastly situations with a noble mind or

To fight against those circumstances to end them once and for all.

What if I shall be terminated after my revenge is fulfilled?

What will happen then? Shall I still dream of thy fair Ophelia or will thy skull

Be played with by thy grave digger?

Time remains thy same as’t troubles the occupied mind;

Makes i’s choice in which we take charge or cower in thy corner.

If thy adulterate beast shows weakness, i’s time to take thy God’s revenge

And follow through till the bitter end.

Denmark shall stop rotting under the rule of Fortinbras.

So tell him, with the occurrents, more and less,

Which have solicited. The rest is silence.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Team Act 1 Summary

By: Justine, Hannah, Shicara, M'Lynn and Doulton

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Individual Resistance #2

Here is the link for my prezi of my assignment of individual resistance #2

Monday, November 22, 2010

Critical and Analytical Responce #1

People in general rely on thought and think through most situations unless if there is some point of internal and/or external demand that makes the person rely on nature of self preservation. In the novel The Grapes of Wrath (the author) John Steinbeck develops a sense of self-preservation when individuals respond to competing demands. There are internal and external demands that all of the characters in the novel must endure in order to succeed in California during the dirty thirties. The internal demands are referred to as nature of self preservation because they are almost the same; but in nature of self preservation the individual acts on incidences, instincts and on what they think they should do. Each member of the Joad family approaches the competing demands in their own personal way in order to attempt to preserve their well being and the battle against the external demands and the difficulties of the journey to the prosperous California. The external demands in this novel would mainly include the obstacles they have faced and the hardships the Joads had experienced on their way to their better life in prosperous California. When Steinbeck writes, the reader gains a sense that his tone is at first individualist, then as the novel progresses so does his tone. His tone changes to collectivism at the end of the novel. When everyone has lost hope at the end of the novel, Steinbeck’s tone changes to make the mood feel that a social revolution may be coming.

For many people at during the summer months of the dirty thirties, farming was not a prospective fruitful occupation. In fact, being a farmer was almost a curse. The reason for this was because the banks owned most (if not all) of the farmland and so the farmers could barely provide food and shelter for their family. Seeing as how the Joads were farmers and they were up to their ears in debt, this applied to them. The nature of self preservation is what takes hold of the Joads. With no money, no food, and soon to be a foreclosed home, most families left for what they hoped was to be true: a prosperous California. One family that left were the Joads. They packed up what they needed and left their home in Oklahoma. Their internal drive was the need for a new start to life and to have their needs met. Food is a necessity and if a person does not have enough, they either suffer or may eventually die. They needed a change or else the consequences would be deadly. Each of the Joads deals with this situation differently. When Pa fails to control keeping the family together at the gas station (on Route 66) Ma steps up and becomes not only the citadel of the family, but as well as the head of the family. Ma’s main goal is to keep the family together because she believes that anything can be conquered when you have family by your side. The family needed each other because it was like a security blanket and when something went wrong, there was always the other Joads to back you up. Ma also thinks that the nature of self preservation for her family involves them to stay together, work hard, have optimism, and to always have hope.

The Joads encounter copious amounts of hardships along their journey to the prosperous California. During The Grapes of Wrath the Joads stumble upon a plethora amount of incidences in which people deliberately try to defeat the families hope and determination of living the good life in sunny California. When the Joads leave for California, they are faced with environmental challenges such as the exceedingly hot and dry weather and physical challenges as the mountains, slow moving means of transportation, and finally the pressure and parsimoniousness of the Californians. The police burned down the ditch-side camps, arrested the Okies for superfluous reasons and tried to do anything to break the Okies spirits and hope. Although the police do not accomplish this because in the end the Joads came out beaten down, but far from broken. Another reason on why the Joads left Oklahoma was due of the combination of their finance troubles and the handbill advertising work in California. The bank owned the Joads farmland and this produced a money shortage which resulted in a lack of necessary food and supplies. People must have their basic needs met or else they go into survival mode. It may be imagined that faced with a similar situation many others would have just given up and starved to death but some, like the Joads, would fight for survival till the bitter end. When the Joads see the handbill for work, they rely on instinct and hope that if they go to California they will have a prosperous life. Many of the Okies had also received this handbill themselves and so the rush to the prosperous Californian farms began. Little did the Okies know that the farmers only needed five hundred pickers, not fifty-thousand and all for an extremely low wage. In the end working as a fruit picker hardly fed the Joads and the long hours took its toll on them physically; however it was still work and it was providing food for the family. The external influences have made things harder for the Joads but yet had made them easier.

Steinbeck has a very interesting way of presenting if his point of view about people and/or society is more individualists or collectivists. The Joads symbolise individualism, collectivism and classical liberalism. They show that the rule of law applies to everyone in their family and Ma makes sure of this. The Joads have their own rule of law system in that everyone in their family believes in. This behaviour code bases who is in charge of the family. At the beginning of the family, Grandpa and Pa were at the top of the list and as the novel digresses, Ma becomes the head of the family and so everyone listens to her. When Rose of Sharon is demanding milk for her to drink, Ma decides to give Ruthie the milk because he needs it more than she did. This applies to the rule of law because no one argues with Ma and does what she or he is told. The Joads mainly symbolise collectivism because they think of the better for the welfare of the group and co-operation was a necessity in order to survive through the great depression of the dirty thirties. This is shown when Noah leaves because he thinks his family is better off without him (even though he will die as a consequence). They also believe in public property in that they share their capital in order for the group to have enough food. Public property in this case relates directly with economic freedom. With economic freedom the Joads chose to share their earned money for the benefit of the group. When the setting of the novel takes place in California, there is a well established individualist economy in that private property, economic freedom, self-interest, competition and economic freedom were a major part of that society. The farmers represent the all four of these understanding of individualism. One aspect or economic freedom is when an individual wants to sell your labour to whomever he or she wishes to be employed at and in this case it would be the fruit pickers. It also meant that people had the freedom to fail during the depression. The farmers have their own private property and choose to use it as a business, thus the fruit fields. When the fruit pickers got paid they had only received a miniscule amount of earnings for the day which is chosen by how much the farmers want to pay. The invisible hand also was had a part in this because a huge supply of unemployed people meant that the employer could play them low wages because someone else will work for the employer if the person applying for the job refuses the low wage offer. During the dirty thirties the government did not control this situation that well and so many decisions were made free from government control. One thing that the government could not control was the safe camp for the Okies. Here the government was not allowed to have any say of what happened on the inside of the safe haven. For many of Okies it was rather difficult to find a job because there was an incredible amount of competition for jobs that the Californians had set up. Another competing factor was that 25% of the USA citizens were unemployed during the thirties. The worst part about it was that people accepted that there were no jobs to have and so they lost hope, and then left back for Oklahoma. With the mix of the agitated Okies and the malicious Californians, there was an inevitable confrontation that was about to occur and that it would not be an easy quarrel.

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck brings up many things to ponder about the nature of self preservation that each member of the Joad family strives for; their external demands that they all had to encounter; and who were individualists and collectivists in this novel. Steinbeck’s tone varies from person to person and group to group which leaves us with a clear depiction of what will happen, a revolution that will be in favour of the Okies because they have nothing to lose.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Personal Responce #1

Tim O’Brian, in the Rainy River, is strongly against going to war and so for his own personal well-being he runs away to freedom from others. He strongly feels that he himself is too good for this war. The discriminating looks from his parents, and from his community, were too much to bare and so Tim ran towards freedom, the Canadian border. For my own personal well-being, I would like to have a career that I will enjoy for, hopefully, the rest of my life. I see no point in living life when you do not enjoy what you do as a living. Being in grade twelve, I have to make a decision about post secondary school choices and my mother wants to have main choice in what I take and where I would attend. I have to please her or else the disappointment will never disappear from her voice. It is ultimately my choice; however, I am not sure if my internal demands win against the external demands.

For Tim, he had a very difficult time when it came to him competing internally with the external demands. His internal demands are that when he gets the letter from the government he freaks out because he believes that he himself is way too good for this war. The anger built inside him until he snapped; he had to get away. It was hard to leave but he felt like he had to do this. For my internal demand I had a similar experience, just not as grand as Tim O’Brian’s. I feel that I must strive for the best, even though it might not happen. My goal is to become an ultrasound technician or an x-ray technician; it is something that I have always wanted to do. The courses are extremely hard to get into; however, it makes me strive harder. My will power to get into them is my driving force behind my internal demands.

In the Rainy River, Tim has multiple external demands that affect his ability to pursue his personal well-being. One external demand was the physical river/boundary itself because it forces Tim to make a decision. Another external demand would be society as a whole; meaning his community, parents, and everyone he has met. At that point in time young men were expected to go to war or else they were thought of to be cowards and were frowned upon by the public. This created peer pressure. The last factor would be from Elroy, the old man at the cabin. Elroy would be an external demand because he made Tim feel less anxious because Elroy did not judge Tim about questioning going to the war; and so Elroy was almost supporting Tim, no matter what path Tim had decided to go. My personal external demands are not as large as Tim`s, which is both good and bad. It is a good thing because there would not be as many people trying to force my decision or criticize what I chose; but then again, there are less people that support my choice. Being in grade twelve means that it is time to apply to different post secondary schools, let alone figure out what you are going to do with your life. Graduation is almost like the Rainy River because it kind of forces you to make a decision at that time. Sure people wait for a year or two until they make a decision but most are encouraged to choose prior to graduation. Parents like to control most aspects of your life, or so it seems in most cases, and so they like to help their child with deciding their education route. My mother likes to go control most situations (if not all) and so she pushed me in the general direction of the medical field. Not only did my mother do this but also the rest of my family. The only family member that has supported me in no matter what I decide is my father. He is like Elroy in a way that he supports me and does not make judgments against me.

In conclusion, I think that when you personally want or desire something so badly then the negative external forces should not affect the individual’s choice or decision. What the person should allow are the internal and positive external demands. The demands are not truly demands but are rather implicated.

Keep your face always towards the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.

- Walt Whitman

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Springsteen and Morello Song Choice for the Grapes of Wrath

The version of the song The Ghost of Tom Joad, as sung by Springsteen and Morello, serves a better job at narrating the novel The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck for multiple reasons. In the beginning of the music tempo is slow and that shows sorrow and sadness. In the beginning of the novel the family is sad about leaving but must and as they travel some members of the family split from the rest as they lose hope. Springsteen’s voice is very low and difficult to make out which represents that no one in the novel knows what is going to happen to them and as they continue on, and the low voice resembles the family beginning to lose their hope. As the song and the novel digress further the mood and tone begin to change; Morello starts to sing and change the music tempo and the family has a small amount of hope. Morello starts to sing near the end of the song which is similar to the Joads because at the end of the book Rose Of Sharon shows hope as she thought of others and not herself. Another example would be when Tom decides to carry out Jim Casey`s revolt against the Californians. When Tom does this, he shows anger, hope and change and with Rose of Sharon she also shows change. The way Morello sings is with energy, anger and the change of adding an electric guitar to Springsteen`s mellow tone. In conclusion I think that Springsteen`s and Morello`s version of this song work best for the tone of The Grapes of Wrath because at first it shows slight hope, sadness and sorrow (Springsteen`s singing) and then the song changes to have more hope, anger and shows a lot more energy (Morello`s singing) and together they show the tone of the novel.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Contrasts and Comparisons Between the Two Rivers

On the Rainy River distinctly shows that the river symbolises the ultimatum; choosing everything you know versus the whole shebang of freedom. The swift flowing current shows that Tim must make a decision right at those few minutes. The river makes him come to grips on reality and to realize that Canada was a fantasy.

The Honia River was the most comforting thing in his life. When Kamau was a young boy, river side had meant everything to him; he felt akin with it. When Kamau fist see's the river, while he journeyed home, Kamau feels a painful exhilaration passed over him momentarily as he had longed for those days.

For both of these stories the rivers play a major role in the main characters lives. The rivers accept them for them. Neither river cared what they did or what they might do; whether it was Tim attempting to escape the draft or Kamau who had just returned from an incarceration camp. All of their hopes were "washed" away from the river. With the Rainy River Tim was on the boat while he had watched his dreams of freedom flow away with his livelihood watched. In The Return, Kamau went to the Honia River after he had found his wife had left him. Seeking comfort, Kamau went to the river. When he took off his jacket, his bundle of personal belongings drops into the river and flowed away. Kamau`s dream of coming home to his wife was suddenly gone, the bundle only reminded him of his wife and of his time in prison. The rivers helped Kamau and Tim to move on in life.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Novel Choice: 1984 By George Orwell

1984, by George Orwell, is about the intelectual rebellion that Winston Smith had against The Party, his illicit romance, the consequences of his actions, his interrogation that leads into torture, and his re-education. I chose this novel because it somehow intrigues me. The part I most likely want to read about is going through the hardest part of your life while you cling to your own sanity for your survival; the enternal struggle vs. the physical pain.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"There was Never a genius without a tincture of madness"

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and wrote about physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, zoology, and finally biology. I had first thought of choosing Aristotle for my famous person because he had accomplished a variety of things in life and had changed science. As a science person, this means a lot to me. I choose this quote because it has slight humor in it and it is true. If you take a glance at the more known scientists and philosophers in history, one thing that is always common between them is that they were always slightly "mad". I think that everyone is a bit mad, whether we notice it or not. To go mad, I think that the person would have to be addictive to something; in my case it would be reading. Reading is something that I have always been good at so I kept on reading harder levels. I get so engrossed into the novel that the plot (or whatever the part in the book it is) is always stuck in my head, I constantly think about it. There is a genius in everyone, just for different things so everyone is slightly mad. The main reason why I chose the quote "There was never a genius without a tincture of madness" is that it applies to everyone, even me.